Thursday, September 17, 2009

The surface of the brackish, brown water is smooth as turquoise sea glass
Convincingly covering up the ecosystem that lies beneath-betrayed only by an occasional shimmering, silver mullet jumping in an attempt to escape its pursuer and prolong its life another day.
Salt is filling my nostrils and covering my skin like leprosy.
The gnarled mangrove trees are effectively blocking out any vestige of civilization or society and hiding stories beneath their roots of a simpler, slower time.
A time when one lived wisely by gathering enough food for the day from the toil of his own hands and did not have the perpetual worry of credit card and car payments hanging overhead as a result of greed, indulgence and uncontrolled, unchecked desires.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great writing, Josh! You have a talent!